Website Design

designed for Sauceyz Food Truck & Catering

Food truck website design for the home of the famous YOLO* Fries! Sauceyz Food Truck needed a way for #saucenation to track them to their latest locations. They wanted an easy-to-update calendar feature on their site. Because they’re mobile, the site needed to reflect their on-the-go spirit, so we created a one-stop landing page with segmented info and easy-to-use.

Instagram is an ideal platform for restaurants & food, therefore, it was important to prominently feature Sauceyz’ feed. The real-time feed reinforces their branding and they can publish directly from IG to their website. This situation increases their reach so they can announce their daily specials on both platforms.

We also made sure the Contact form and phone numbers are easily found and mobile-ready. Since the site launched, Sauceyz reports an increase in business inquiries!

*You Only Live Once

Readers Choice Award
sauceyz food truck